Wednesday 24 June 2015

Haliburton 2015

   The 4th Caledonia scout trip to Haliburton is almost upon us!  Here is the vital information for you to make this a fun and memorable experience.  We want everyone to have a safe and fun time at camp.  To that end, there will be a zero tolerance policy and we will not hesitate to call a parent to collect their scout if the situation is warranted.
1.       Scout information
·         Every scout needs to bring their Health Card.  We will be checking before leaving and leaving scouts in the parking lot if they don’t have them.  Scouter Adam will take care of the cards while at camp.
·         If any information has changed (phone numbers, allergies, etc) since the beginning of the season, please make sure we have updated info before departing.
·         I need a signed permission forms for all scouts for the extended camp and activities; bring them with final payment or on July 4.
·         Please indicate in the space provided whether or not your scout is allowed to have coffee and/or tea, and whether or not they are allowed to purchase souvenir knives.
·         Please sign the rifle range form if your scout is allowed to  participate in range activities.

2.       Contact info while at Camp
·         In the unlikely event of an emergency at camp, we will try to contact you at your home and work phone numbers.
·         If we cannot reach you, we will call our emergency contact person  (Sara Buggeln) and she will continue to try to contact you until you are notified of the situation.
·         If there is an emergency at home, please call the emergency contact person, she will have details on how to reach the camp
Sara Buggeln 905-765-5326 (home) 905-906-8781 (cell)
3.       Schedule
·         July 4, 7:30 am - Arrive at Church
·         July 4, 8:00 am – Leave for Haliburton
·         July 4, 12:00 pm – picnic lunch (scouts to bring one)
·         July 11 – we don’t have any clue about departure time (SORRY), but we will make sure Sara knows as soon as we do and she will send out an e-mail with the info.

4.       Amount owing
·         Please remit your amount owing to Scouter Adam on or before July 4th.  Make checks payable to “Scouts Canada, 4th Caledonia Group”.  My address is 3 Mac Donald Place.
·         If you have any questions with regard to the amount owing, please ask!

  Check the weather forecast for the area.  This could help you pack the correct type of clothing. Nothing like living by our motto, “BE PREPARED”.
  Items with *asterisk – consider them a must

·         * Lunch for Saturday.  There is a snack bar, but last year they had no food!
·         *Health Card
·         *Clothes – Check the forecast for Haliburton (not Caledonia).  Remember that you will be at camp for a week.  Pack for warm weather with the possibility of rain, and include clothing for cooler temperatures.  It is unlikely to snow.
·         *Sleeping bag / Sleeping Pad / Pillow (if you use one)
·         *Any personal medication – with instructions
·         *Scout Book for badge work
·         *Swim suit
·         *Water shoes or an extra pair of shoes you don’t mind getting wet
·         *Hat
·         *Towel
·         *Tooth Brush / Paste
·         *Sunscreen – If buying the spray type, remember not to apply near any tent
·         *Insect Repellent - If buying the spray type, remember not to apply near any tent
·         *Mess kit
·         *Water bottle
·         *Whistle
·         *Flashlight plus extra batteries - LEDs provide good light and long battery life
·         PFD (life jacket) is provided by HSR – however you can bring your own if you a prefer
·         Personal Emergency Kit – For the scouts that have one, make sure to bring it
·         Books
·         Binoculars
·         Zip Lock bags – Write your name on it.  These help keep your personal items organized, clean and dry
·         Small back pack to transport personal items to events
·         Sun Glasses
·         Skin Lotion
·         Kleenex
·         Camera
·         Camp Chair
·         Tent if you want your own
·         Camp Blanket
·         Pocket Knife
·         Notebook & pen/pencil
·         Fishing tackle – barbless hooks only!!
·         Spending money – there is a tuck shop for souvenirs and snacks  (shirt and patch are included in the registration cost)
·         Personal snacks (in moderation!!)

Do NOT Bring: Electronic devices/games and unnecessary Jewelry.
Any items that are not labelled will have a harder time finding their way home...
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us well before launch!