Tuesday 25 September 2018

Permit Camp - 2018

When: October 19th to 21st - 2018
Where: 1057 Charlotteville Rd 7, Walsh, Ontario
Drop off : 6:30pm Friday Oct 19th
Pickup Time:  10:00am Sunday Oct 21st
Cost:  25 (Camp Fee and Food)

Scout Information Package:  2018 Permit Camp Scout Package
Includes: Permission slip (Must be filled out and submitted before attending camp)
                Directions to camp
                Mandatory and Suggested Camp gear and equipment           

Scouts are responsible for packing their own gear and equipment.

Scouts will be sharing a tent with one other Scout, unless you wish to bring your own tent.
A scout tent will be provided to each pair of Scouts
You may bring your own tent if you wish.

The money and permission slip must be submitted to myself or Scouter Amanda by Thursday October 11th, 2018.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Scouts - 2018 to 2019

Welcome New Scouts and Returning Scouts

Hope you had a great summer and are ready for a new exciting scouting year.

Scouts will begin on Thursday, September 20th at 6:30pm and end at 8:30pm
Currently we have 7 active scouts and 1 pending scout.

For those returning Scouts, Scouter Alex has retired from scouting for now. Hopefully we will see him back in the future.

Scouter Adam is still active, but will not be attending the weekly meetings. We will See Scouter Adam at camps and when we need him.

Myself Scouter Stephen will be advising you on your Scouting Adventures with the help of Scouter Amanda and Scouter Josh.

Thank you

Scouter Stephen