Sunday 10 January 2016

4th Caledonia spork forging workshops 2016

Among my hobbies, I do some blacksmithing and I’m offering some workshops over the next few weeks for the scouts to try their hand at forging a camp spork.  The workshops will be held in my garage (3 Mac Donald Place) and are limited to 4 scouts per workshop.

We will be forging stainless steel at temperatures as hot as 1000°C and hotter for about 3 hours.  As you can imagine, this project carries significant risk of first and second degree burns, so there is absolutely no tolerance to goofing around.

The scouts will need the following:
  • Old natural fiber clothes and footwear (cotton, wool, leather). Synthetics melt very quickly and it is preferable to have scorched cloths then plastic melted onto your skin.  Note that the garage is unheated, but the forge will be running.
  • Safety goggles – I have spare sets, but they are getting a bit scratched up.
  • Work gloves if you want.  They are not required and I personally don’t use them and as I find they reduce the feel from the tools, but can offer a layer of protection to accidents.  Make sure they fit very well.  Extra large gloves that slide around cause more problems then they solve.  Again, synthetic gloves melt quickly.
  • $5 to cover the cost of the material and fuel.
  • Signed permission form (available at regular meetings and at the workshop).
I am planning the following dates and times, depending on interest.   Please contact Scouter Adam to book a slot. There will also be a sign-up sheet at the meetings.
Session 1
Saturday Jan 16, 9-12
Session 2
Sunday Jan 17, 1-4
Session 3
Saturday Jan 23, 9-12
Session 4
Saturday Jan 30, 9-12
Session 5
Saturday Feb 13, 9-12
Session 6
Sunday Feb 14, 1-4
Session 7
Saturday Feb 20, 9-12
Session 8
Sunday Feb 21, 1-4

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