Thursday 31 January 2019

Klondike Camp 2019

When:   February 8th till 10th
Where: Camp Shergardaynou Scout Camp (Near Princeton)
             706906 Township Road Blandford-Blenheim
Drop off: 7:00 pm
Pick up: 10:00am
Fee: $35 (Camp Registration & food)
Hosted by: 2nd Dunnville Scouits Troop

Scout Information Package:  Klondike Camp 2019
                             Includes: Permission slip (Must be filled out and submitted before attending camp)
                                             Map Directions to camp

Scouts are responsible for packing their own gear and equipment.

Scouts will be sharing a single tent with  the other Scouts. Female Scouts will have their own tent to Share.
The money and permission slip must be submitted to myself or Scouter Amanda by Thursday February 7th, 2019.

For those interested in purchasing a Winter Sleeping Bag, the following website has good deals. Winter Sleeping Bag.

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